Lee Adler, BA '20

Lee AdlerLee Adler graduated from UM in 2021 with a degree in Political Science. He is now involved in several groups and organizations across Montana and beyond. He became the first-ever Montanan to become a certified Military Emergency Management Specialist in August of 2023. Montana did not have a State Director for the program, so he reached out to the Commandant of the Academy for mentorship. He got through most of the process independently and submitted his final practicum with little mentorship. He is on track to be certified at the Master level by the end of this year. In November, Lee moved to Djibouti, where he serves as the Emergency Management Subject Matter Expert for Camp Lemmonier. He is the only civilian in the Emergency Operations Center there. Lee is passionate about Servicemember and Veteran Suicide prevention and his military service, and continues work with both local and national organizations this field. Lee has also worked as a wildland firefighter. During this time, he saw his community struggling to find resources, which inspired him to create SHPRD, an organization that focuses on getting Emergency Preparedness to community organizations at no cost to them.

Skye McGinty, BA '15, MA '17, MBA '18

Skye McGinty Skye McGinty has earned a bachelor’s and master’s in sociology from UM, as well as a master’s in business administration. She has dedicated her studies and career to addressing the unique needs of underserved communities. Skye served as the Executive Director of All Nations Health Center in Missoula.  She also served an AmeriCorps Vista and wrote the Project Beacon grant, an initiative geared towards providing comprehensive care to Indigenous sex trafficking survivors. Skye is an enrolled member of the Little Shell Chippewa tribe and enjoys exploring Missoula’s trails and public lands in her free time. 

Shelby Moore, BA '16, MPA '19

 Shelby Moore is a two-time graduate of UM, with a bachelor’s degree in political science and a Master of Public Administration degree with an emphasis in nonprofit management. She serves as the Executive Director of Heartlinks, a nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting individuals in need of end-of-life care. She has played a key role in expanding patient reach, grief programs, pediatric programs and hospice programs. Moore was named an Outstanding Young Philanthropist by the Western Montana Fund Raisers Association and included in the Yakima Herald 39 under 39. She stays connected to the UM community by mentoring graduates and supporting women from Chi Chapter Alpha Phi on campus.

Dr. Maegan Rides At The Door, BA '08, MA '12, PhD '19

Maegan Rides at the DoorDr. Maegan Rides At The Door is a three-time UM grad and a first-generation college student from Poplar. She earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology, a master’s in clinical mental health counseling and a Doctor of Philosophy in counselor education and supervision. She often has multiple jobs and roles both paid and volunteer. Maegan has served as the Executive Director of UM’s National Native Children’s Trauma Center in since 2015 working to support their mission of co-facilitating trauma-focused healing in tribal communities. She is the Principal Investigator on the center’s major awards, most notably a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Category II National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative grant, an Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Expansion to Support Child Advocacy Centers Serving American Indian and Alaska Natives, and a Victims of Child Abuse Tribal training and technical assistance grant. Dr. Rides At The Door also conducts outpatient counseling services on a limited basis and serves as an adjunct professor for the Salish Kootenai College and the University of Montana. Maegan is an enrolled member of the Fort Peck Sioux and Assiniboine Tribes and a descendant of the Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma.